
Deep Detox Kits (4 Weeks) + Mucusless Lifestyle Guide PDF

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The Raw Protocol

The Fantastic Seven

Your key areas of focus are:

  • Kidneys
  • Endocrine glands
  • The lymphatic system
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • Liver
  • Parasites
  • Adrenal glands


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The Raw Protocol

Detox Bundle

4 week program

Herbal Supplements

  1. Green Power (120 Capsules)
  2. Parasite 1 (60 capsules)
  3. Parasite 2 (60 capsules)
  4. Liver & Gallbladder (60 capsules)
  5. Blood Cleanse (60 Capsules)
  6. Lymphatic Mover 1 (60 Capsules)
  7. Kidney & Bladder ( 60 Capsules)
  8. Mineral Boost ( 60 Capsules)

Week 1-2

Take 4 capsules daily

  1. Green Power (120 Capsules)
  2. Parasite 1 (60 capsules)
  3. Parasite 2 (60 capsules)
  4. Kidney & Bladder ( 60 capsules)

Drink 1 Gallon of water a day

Objective: Gently purify the body of toxins, parasites and restore kidney filtration.


Week 2-4

Take 4 capsules daily

  1. Blood Cleanse (60 Capsules)
  2. Lymphatic Mover 1 (60 Capsules)
  3. Liver & Gallbladder ( 60 Capsules)
  4. Mineral Boost (60 Capsules)

Drink 1 Gallon of water a day

Objective: Kidney filtration restored (confirm via Pee test). Assist the body using herbs to expel toxin though our detoxification pathways — our skin, lungs, kidneys, colon, and liver.

“Every tissue is fed by the bloodstreamwhich is supplied by the intestines. Whenthe intestines are dirty…. so are theorgans and tissues. It is the intestinesthat must be cared for first.”

(Dr. Bernard Jensen, PH.D.)

Your key areas of focus are:

  • Kidneys
  • Endocrine glands
  • The lymphatic system
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • Liver
  • Parasites
  • Adrenal glands

The goal is to restore kidney functional ability to the degree that they can begin filtering the body’s lymphatic system. A kidney formula will clean the kidneys and get them filtering lymph acids/toxins, this is the key to detox, and without it you won’t make much progress. You need the assistance of herbs to get “sticky” lymph moving again. Cleaning your “sewer system” from head to toe is the goal. Acids, toxins, and pathogens do not belong in the body.

The endocrine system must never be overlooked as it collectively serve as the ‘government’ of the body and is responsible for making sure that the body operates the way it should (thus also affecting kidney filtration), through various hormones. Endocrine glands tell cells what to do. Toxic lymph here can lead to a myriad of physical and mental problems as well as low energy, weight gain, and premature aging. I would take a endocrine formula to assist with strengthening this system.

The health of your intestinal tract, the large intestine (colon) is equally important to factor in due to the problems that can spawn throughout body when the colon is impacted, inflamed, or degenerating. It’s very rare to find a person who does not have a terrible GI tract in this modern age. Herbs help not only move the bowels but they also help move lymph acids out of the bowel walls so they can heal. I would take the one of stomach and bowel formulas depending on situation to assist.

The liver makes chemicals that bind with toxins which greatly assists in the detoxification of lymph and blood. I suggest taking the liver/gallbladder formula to assist with detoxification.  A month or two on Liver/gallbladder herbs is a must.

Most of us are full of worms and micro-parasites like candida yeast. I would do a minimum of 8 weeks on an herbal formula like parasite 1 or parasite 2 to kill them.

The adrenal glands produce antacid steroids that help alkalize and reduce inflammation in the body–that’s why they are so important to detox. They also control the kidneys so you will have a hard time getting the kidneys to filter lymph if they are weak. The adrenals produce neurotransmitters for a healthy nervous system and they control bowel movements, breathing, heart functions and more. Low neurotransmitters leads to anxiety, irritability, fatigue, etc. Systolic (upper number) blood pressure below 115 shows weakness. Many people are around 100. I would recommend taking adrenal boost formula, do not take if you have high blood pressure.

Herbs should be taken for 12 weeks, rest 4 weeks, then go again. You can repeat until you reach your goals. Take for 6 days in a row, stopping for a day each week.  You will be using these every week of your detox.

Additional information

Weight 0.700 kg
Detox Kits

Detox Kit #1 Intense Detox (weeks 1-2: 4 Capsules Per day) Moderate Detox (week 1-4: 2 Capsules Per Day), Detox Kit #2 Intense Detox (weeks 3-4: 4 Capsules Per day) Moderate Detox (week 5-8: 2 Capsules Per Day)  


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