Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)


Origin: China

Ingredients: Root

Powder: Mix one tsp of dried powder in 8oz of water, juice, or smoothie

Capsules: Take 2-4 capsules daily with water or juice.



 Immune System Booster

Astragalus, a plant within the Leguminosae (beans or legumes) family is known amongst the planet as a powerful immune building plant. It finds itself in the classification of being a adaptogenic herb, which helps fight stress and disease at the same time. Studies have taken place that indicate it is helpful for fighting tumors, promoting cardiovascular health and  possibly alleviate symptoms of chemotherapy. Astragalus contains saponins, flavonoids and polysaccharides which may help in decreasing or eliminating tumors. The flavonoids present in astragalus are antioxidants that help prevent plaque buildup in arteries and narrowing of vessel walls by protecting the inner wall of the vessel. In TCM this herb is praised as a protector against stress and both mental, physical health. The greatest strength of Astragalus its ability to prevent and protects cells against cell death and other harmful elements like free radicals and oxidation.




Protects the Cardiovascular System

Regulates and Prevents Diabetes and Illnesses Related to Diabetes

Slows or prevents the growth of tumors

Strengthens tendons, muscles, and bones

Treats colds and flu

Reduces stomach ulcers




Legal Information: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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90 Capsules


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