Suma (Pfaffia paniculata)


Origin: South America 

Ingredients: Suma Root

Capsules: Take 2-4 capsules daily with water or juice.


Suma Root

Cellular Oxygenator, Stimulate Appetite and Circulation

Suma, also known as Brazilian ginseng is commonly found throughput South America. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine because of its health benefits for the brain, immune, and digestive systems. It also boosts energy, protects vital organs, increases hormone synthesis, and may even fight cancer. Suma has deep roots that pull nutrients from the soil making it one of the richest sources of minerals (magnesium, iron, zinc), amino acids, electrolytes and vitamins (A,B1,B2,E,K1,K2).  Suma, also contains Germanium which plays a role in maintaining and boosting immune system function. a controlled study in mice with liver cancer found that mice treated with suma root extract for 27 weeks had significantly fewer cancer cells compared to untreated mice. This treatment did not have adverse side effects on healthy liver cells.

Ecdysteroids found in Suma root can enhance physical strength and athletic performance without the negative side-effects associated with traditional steroids. There have been serveral studies that indicate ecdysteriods accelerates the rate that muscles can grow, which means that it can increase physical endurance and help reduce body fat as well.





Boosting the immune system

Reducing pain

Hormonal disorders

Chronic fatigue

Builds muscle mass

Inhibits cancer

Kills leukemia cells

Alleviating digestive issues

Boosting physical energy

As an aphrodisiac

Erectile dysfunction

Increases libido

Legal Information: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 9 × 5 × 9 cm

90 Capsules


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