Chaga Mushroom


Origin: Canada 

Ingredients: chaga mushroom 

Capsules: Take 2-4 capsules daily with water or juice.



Mushroom of Immortality

The Chaga Mushroom is native to Canada, Western Siberia and the USA and usually grows on the trunks of birch trees. The Chaga has pores that are irregularly formed looking much like a burnt pieces of charcoal. Chaga, the mushroom of Immortality is prized by natural health and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners. In Asian,  Chaga is referred to as the ‘Mushroom of Immortality’ because people have had great results with its immune boosting abilities and its ability to assist the body to eliminate toxins. Chaga  is an amazing source of Melanin, Melanin is “a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye in people and animals It is responsible for tanning of skin exposed to sunlight. Providing youthful looks and vibrant skin”(1) The Chaga Mushroom is known for its incredible antioxidant and inflammation reducing properties and is said to have the highest antioxidant level of any mushroom. Chaga is used to combat hypertension, viral infections, and support a healthy cardiovascular system. Also, studies show that chaga contains significant amounts of phytonutrients and immune activating compounds like; Beta Glycans and polysaccharides which boost immune function stimulating the body’s ability to set up cellular defenses.  It contains over 215 phytonutrients, has 25 to 50 times more SOD antioxidants than Agarigus, CoQ 10, vitamin C and wild blueberries and the powerful betulinic acid which may fight abnormal and uncontrolled cell division and or cancer.





Builds Melanin

Help to heal injuries to skin

It can repair damaged DNA by producing interferons

Helps improve kidney function




Legal Information: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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90 Capsules


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