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Alkaline Vegan Detoxification & Regeneration | The New You

The Importance of Food as Medicine 

First—Within food also known as your diet plays an huge impact on 99.99% of the all causes of dis-eases and imperfect health of any kind. 
Second—All healing modalities will continue to fail as long as they refuse to accept diet as a powerful tool. 
Third—What is the “alkaline mucusless diet” and “mucus forming foods”? It is the division of all human foods into healing, starchless foods and harmful GMO disease-producing ones. 
Fourth— Most dietetics lay their stress on food values entirely. Instead attention should be focused on the healing, cleaning, eliminating values and their efficiency before the healing process is started, going on, or accomplished at all.
Fifth. Adopt new habits gradually changing diet towards a mucusless diet, use coffee enemas to flush the colon. 
Sixth. Interchange between shorter fasts periodically with some eating days of cleansing via mucusless diet.

How Do We Define Diet & Health?

Diet and health are very misconstrued topics, it may seem that health means something different for everyone. Indeed it does, behind the undertow of life there is a silver lining that acts as a universal teacher for us all on a personal level fortifying our beliefs. Through each and every individual’s endeavors to understand and connect with this unnamed universal teacher, we gain new clarity and awareness strengthening us from within. It is extremely important that when adopting new patterns into your lifestyle that you let go of any emotional ties and past beliefs related to faddy notions supported by the main stream. Great health is as elusive as a rabbit for most people, health from my perspective is defined:
  1. Absence of mental and physical ailments
  • A deeper connection with your spiritual self, the world as a whole and people
  • A new sense of inner strength giving us the abilities to overcome any obstacles and becoming absent of stress
  • A new state of mind that is open and receptive to the full range of emotions with a sense of purpose
  • A strong body that is physically toned, not overweight or underweight
              When it comes to health, we must take it upon yourself to seek the answers needed. If you leave it to the giant corporations you will be out of luck and put yourselves potential in deadly situations. It is said that every one in three people suffer from cancer that is potentially preventable through simple educated daily habits with food. Most people will blame genetics for dis-ease, but we have to remember that eating habits run in families and precede through generations. Only around 3 percent of people with health issues are stemmed from genetic factors, which means that health is completely in your playing ground and your responsibility.  All disease, including cancer is response by the body when it is in an over acidic environment. This means that your cells are starving for fuel because they are not being supplemented properly. When this occurs for long periods of time the body will start leaching minerals from other less important functions in the body. This is how dis-ease is created depending on which areas are strong and weak. We get taught we are being fed a whole and nutritious foods that are optimum for human health, meanwhile there are a bunch of GMO cell disruptors that confuse how your body communicates and regenerates. Then 30-40 years down the line you potentially develop auto-immune deficiencies and an overall decline of health. This is the system that programs you to think you are on the right trajectory then bang, ambiguous, most will be with a loss of hope and faith in a potential solution. This is the sad story for most people that rely on the traditional health care institutions. Then there are the courageous ones like yourself who will do anything to achieve optimal health and are inspiration for those to tread this path also, the path of health, regeneration and optimal functionality.


Dr. Arnonld Ehret, a pioneer of the Mucusless Living System, observes that the accumulation of uneliminated waste materials by eating acid-forming foods is the foundation of all human illness. Due to the types of acidic forming foods we consume the body becomes stagnant creating excess mucus and acidity within.  The processed foods we consume consistently on collective scale are highly difficult to release out of the system backing it up causing the accumulation of toxins within the body over time which results in STAGNATION. This stagnation if not handled will create future issue. Usually, doctors prescribe treatment to numb/alleviate awareness these symptom which in turn does not heal or fix issue but creates a catastrophic detrimental state of health. True healing is fostered in a state of homeostasis, homeostasis is achieved when the body in full balance releasing all those chemicals that make you feel great. If we had stagnation or blockage in our sewage system, whether in our home or our city, there would be a huge issue. You would start to smell the sewage through the drains and all of your pipes would be back up making it hard to use the toilets or taps without issues of overflow. There is no difference with our physical body, harmful bacteria’s and virus may find these backed up systems as a perfect home, weakening your internal digestive flame and microbiome. There must be a way in we can release all of the old, stagnant and blocked sewage channels in our body. We achieve the removal of stagnation via using the 5 detox channels the body offers; Liver (master cleanse assister), Skin (sweating), Kidneys (urine/blood), Lungs (mucus), Colon (feces/mucus).


Nature has made it so almost all vegetables and fruits are alkaline, the alkaline diet is an easy transition for people who are already vegan. Vegetarians may also easily adapt to the alkaline diet because we are just narrowing the window of foods we consume to more alkaline forming foods, removing the consumption of GMOs and hybrids. This alkaline food list (Chart 1) will give you the framework to operate to achieve your desired health goals, you just have to live by food list and take notes of your inner experiences, for this innerstanding propagates you for true healing. The key is staying away from foods that are harmful to the body and preparing food that is fresh.
At all costs avoid GMO’s it is known by scientists, doctors and educators in many sectors of the health industry warning the catastrophic deleterious effects of GMO crops on the health of animals, humans and nature. A research project rooted out of Australia discovered genetically modified peas with built-in pest resistance had to be abandoned after tests showed they caused allergic lung damage in mice. Also, in the early 1990s scientists created a strain of bioengineered soybeans and it was found to cause an allergic response in people with Brazil nut allergies. A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using bioengineering techniques. These GMO foods have raised concerns because they force genetic information across the protective species barrier in an unnatural way. In other words, nature does not sustain GMOs, they have been alter from the way nature originally designed it. These new organisms are in many cases untested for long term human consumption, yet they are on grocery store shelves everywhere without protective labeling. We may not know we are buying them unless we start asking the right questions. As it stands now, we have about a 70 to 75 percent chance of picking a product with GMO ingredients without even realizing it. This is astounding! We need to take notice when we’re selecting food to build our health and to remove toxins.
We can avoid GMO foods by becoming aware of which foods are most prone to genetic engineering and what products are made from them. The biggest GMO crops are soybeans, corn, and sugar beets, from which thousands of processed foods are made. Look at the labels to see if they contain corn flour or cornmeal, soy flour, cornstarch, textured vegetable protein, corn syrup, or modified food starch. Check labels of soy sauce, tofu, soy beverages, soy protein isolate, soymilk, soy ice cream, margarine, and soy lecithin, among dozens of other products. If it doesn’t say organic for these foods, the chances are strong that they are GMOs, so don’t buy it.

What is the alkaline diet?

Most people are aware of the term “vegan”, which is the separation of any animal meat or dairy from your lifestyle. How the vegan lifestyle differs from the alkaline lifestyle is that it is structured around the idea that the body feeds itself from the alkaline ash that is created from eating alkaline foods. Do not confused though, food is not determined by its external pH, but on the pH of it when digested, the same way how lemons and lime are acid externally but when consume leave an alkaline ash. Your diet can alter the pH value or change the measurement of acidity or alkalinity of your body. Your metabolism is the place where conversion of food into energy takes place. It is sometimes compared to fire. Each involves a chemical reaction that breaks down a solid mass. However, the chemical reactions in your body happen in a slow and controlled manner. When things burn, an ash residue is left behind. Similarly, the foods you eat also leave an “ash” residue known as metabolic waste. As it turns out, this metabolic waste can be alkaline also called neutral or acidic.
The alkaline vegan lifestyle claims that metabolic waste can directly affect your body’s pH via the blood. In other words, if you eat foods that leave acidic ash, it makes your blood more acidic. If you eat foods that leave alkaline ash, it makes your blood more alkaline. Acidic ash is thought to make you vulnerable to illness and disease, whereas alkaline ash is considered protective. By choosing more alkaline foods, you will be able to “alkalize” your body and improve health. Food components that leave an acidic ash include protein, phosphate and sulfur, while alkaline components include calcium, magnesium and potassium. The alkaline minerals are recycled through the kidneys back into the blood and lymph bonding them to carbon dioxide. This diet is concerned with harmonizing your body with a balanced pH slightly alkaline to achieve a healthy functioning you..

How does this work?

First, you want to figure out where you are on the pH scale, you can do this by going to your local health food store and acquiring pH tester kits. You can find kits to test your urine and saliva (pH strips, litmus paper) they are relatively inexpensive. You will want to check your pH first thing in the morning. You want to do this because you haven’t eaten all night, this gives you a more accurate reading of where your body falls on the pH scale when empty. Then, in the evening you want to take a reading before bed, this will give you an understanding of how your lifestyle influences your body’s pH. The urine and saliva offer you the greatest opportunity to view your body’s overall pH. If you are someone or know someone who regularly consumes meat, processed foods, caffeine, dairy then you or they may be putting your body under extreme stress without even realizing.  All of these foods leave an acidic ash behind. This type of person would most likely read anywhere from a 5.0-6.0 pH, if this level is maintained for a long period of time it could result in future illness or dis-ease. Acidosis is the first signal that you have a weakened immune system, chronic dis-ease and premature aging. This occurs because your blood is acidic and because blood is connected to the lymphatic system, this to becomes backed up. Depending on the weaker areas of the body lymph will be stagnant in those areas. I am sure you are starting to put the pieces together and see the connections.At the core, this is very simple you must be a friends, allies and the champion of your body.
The alkaline lifestlye has been around for quite some time, initially finding its grounds on the developments of Søren Sørensen. In 1909 Sørensen, a Danish chemist, introduced the concept of pH as a convenient way of expressing acidity. Then it was further investigated by William Howard Hay, Alnorld Ehret, Alfredo Bowman and Robert Morse. All of these brave humans advocate eating an organic, vegan, largely raw diet with herbal supplements, they claim that in doing so, you will cleanse your cells intracellularly and extracellularly of toxins and cure dis-eases. To name another, Ann Wigmore, associated with Hippocrates Health Institute published; Why Suffer? Be Your Own Doctor, The Healing Power Within And Recipes For Longer Life. These books emphasized eating alkaline foods, superfoods like wheatgrass and raw vegetables. Robert Morse, who wrote the book “The Detox Miracle Sourcebook”, gives us a scientific but practical way to understand why the body should be filled with primarily raw foods that are alkaline. Look at it this way, if you had a high speed race car that took only high-octane fuel, which allows the car to run in its optimal efficiency creating the most beneficial experience. Then, let’s say you fill that car up with just regular gas, this will weaken the efficiency of the vehicle and potentially ruin the engine over time. This idea is reciprocal with your body and its pH, you have to maintain a slightly alkaline body at 7.30-7.55 pH. This means that you must fuel your body with organic, alkaline foods and largely raw diet to ensure you have optimal digestion, absorption, utilization and a strengthened elimination process. When one or more of these processes are out of balance the whole body begins to suffer. It may take some years to see the forecast, some sign to take awareness to along the way are as follows; fatigue, obesity, bags under eyes, excessive thinness, rashes, constipation and/or diarrhoea.

What Are the Benefits of the Raw (alkaline) Lifestyle?

            I am a firm believer in the natural healing power of food and our bodies when we know how to use it properly. Adopting into the alkaline lifestyle you will be sure to experience new personal highs. Some people may experiences excess weight loss, skin problems clear up, better digestion, reserved diabetes, reduced or off asthma medication and may even improve heart conditions and cancer situations. If the whole world new about this information we would have a lot less suffering people in the world, instead one filled with hope and prosperity. By consuming primarily fruits you a hydrating your body at a cellular level, feeding it a great source of carbohydrates, which is converted to glucose and glycogen molecules and into energy through a series of catabolic chemical reactions. Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is the primary energy currency in cells.  

Potential Health Improvements

  • Slower and reverse the signs of aging, because you are feeding your body at a cellular level prolonging and enhancing tis abilities to serve you
  • Prevent and reverse dis-ease, it will help in the prevention of heart disease, diabetes and cancer
  • Improve overall immune function
  • More energy than you’ve ever had
  • Great skin because you are no longer releasing harmful acidic toxins
  • Better mental health, promotes being more vibrant, feeling more positive and happier in general
  • Better sleep, no more bloating or heavy amounts of toxins destroying your body’s natural chemistry
  • Weight loss, better metabolism
  • Improve allergies
  • Increase sex drive and improve erectile dysfunction
  • Healthier teeth and gums

What about protein?

            Most people when thinking about transitioning to the vegan or alkaline vegan diet often are worried where they will get there protein from. Let me tell you a secret, plants are a superior source of protein. Why? Because protein is created from a chain of 20 amino acids that connect together into a multitude of different sequences. Nature is amazing, she can synthesize all of the amino acids in different plants and fruits, and these amino acids build protein.
            Let’s get right into the good stuff, protein rich plant-based foods exist, yes, even on an alkaline diet. You will find the best sources of plant-based protein in greens. Broccoli contains 45% protein compared to beef, which only contains 25%. Pork only contains 27% protein, whereas spinach contains 49% protein, as you will note greens are superior in protein because of the amino acids it can synthesize. Let’s continue, kale contains 45% protein, parsley 34%, cucumbers 24%, peppers 2%, mushrooms 37% and cauliflower 40%. The idea that people need to consume meat is a myth. Another great source of protein is sea vegetables and seaweed, they contain more protein than an egg. The aim for any individual is to eat a diverse amount of plant-based foods, this way we can ensure we are receiving an adequate amount of protein. We only need 5% of our daily calories to come from protein. If you were to consume 2000-3000 calories of fruit in a single day you would be getting approximately 200-300 calories of protein, this equals into about 50-75 grams of protein. Greens are among the top sources of protein, dark leafy greens are low in sugar and high in magnesium. Some great protein rich product to carry for quick doses in in drinks would be spirulina, blue-algae or chlorella.

Things you should know!

  • All DIS-EASES are Preventable
  • Aim to eat 70% fruits, and 30% cooked to maintain alkaline/acid balance
  • If detoxifying eat 80% fruit, 20% (10% fats, 10% protein) vegetables and greens, no cooked meals
  • Exercise three to five times a week doing high-intensity, anaerobic and cardiovascular exercises
  • With the right Ingredients your body can regenerate indefinitely. Our bodies have a mechanism called homeostasis which mean when we reach a state of equilibrium mentally and physically our bodies can heal and balance at its deepest levels.
  • FASTING can and will save your life
  • The mediterranean diet, as well as the raw alkaline plant-based diet are rich in antioxidants and promotes preventative qualities that protect the body from toxins and poisons in the foods they eat (potential toxins)
  • What is not being told to the western cultures is that Asians have 3-4 X’s higher accounts of cancer from Soy products then western women in the pancreas, esophagus, intestines, and thyroid
  • Organic = Carbon Based…this applies to anything that is a carbohydrate ( veges, fruits, and grains) nothing states that it is chemical or pesticide free, or genetically free it is implied therefore you think it is safe
  • Antioxidants and other Body Cleaners are Key to a DIS-EASE Free Body
  • Pollutants, parasites and Chemicals are the key disasters to a dysfunctional immune system
  • Foods laced with hormones and xeno-estrogens are causing havoc in your system
  • Multinationals in certain bio engineering areas of agriculture are not concerned about you or whether you eat ORGANIC or NONE Organic foods
  • A good diet consist of mostly alkaline foods, you want to aim for 12-20 organic fruits and vegetables a day with one cooked meal if you are maintaining balance or no cooked meal if detoxifying
  • The best way to approach a disease or illness is not with drugs or temporary surgical procedures that only delay the inevitable. We should instead look at our body as an intelligent instrument made up many parts and personally understand these areas. This awareness within will act as a guide giving you an increase inner strength